[Poem-a-Week] Maskuline Task Force: Prologue by Andrew Zaragoza
oh hi, you answered. well lets get straight to it. do you have time to talk about masculinity? you see, i'm on a mission to find the divine self in me beyond the programming and maybe you'd like to join in the search of what strength and vulnerability can look like on two sides of the same coin. so when it's flipped, one can't tell the difference from the other and shocks my brothers like the electric transient shift in moving the emotional mountains that took years for me and for you, maybe a couple weeks. talk about a forty day penance i can tell you that the male box is a sentence since aggression is cherished on the battlefield and the football field and the soccer field and the baseball field and the wrestling rings and the boxing rings and the weddings rings and the onion rings and the la streets and wait... don't tell me that man versus food and booze and the tube ain't a sport in matrimony. because when did we decide that our pride takes priority and stifles a women's voice on her body and clothing choice? because in the land of the free market and capitalistic society, ima need some time to take off this mask, see, it's been a while since i lost the key. do you still have time to talk? and so i dont know, i guess i call for a coalition called the masculine task force where the catcalling, name making, shaming, and blaming are cast out the window and what's left in the playbook, i can't say but i know this: masculinity should feel like a warm blanket that i clothe myself in so when i lay next to my partner in arms and she sees the ink on my skin, i want it to breathe protection. because we ain't teaching our boys to be boys, we're teaching boys to be human again. and i know what's on the underside of that bed. the toxic monster that still tries to pull me down into wars with bullet toys and big tanks into someone else's home. that's telling me this is worth more than what i can't even solve in my own backyard; clothing and giving a home for a soul who’s homeless and may have felt a little too much aggression, and the women in poverty with them. so if you or someone you know was a victim of the this masculine phenomenon, call me and let's put an end to this next pandemic with accountability, especially for those struggling with tomorrow to see what life without the mask can be.