They say that a woman’s ovum develop while in the womb of their mothers.
My great grandmother was nine months pregnant
and busting her back as a farmworker,
giving birth to my grandmother
in the middle of the barley fields of Santa Monica.
They say that a woman’s ovum develop while in the womb of their mothers.
My grandmother spent her entire pregnancy
working from dawn to dusk
while my grandfather drank from dusk to dawn,
not coming home until she went and dragged him out of the bars.
They say that a woman’s ovum develop while in the womb of their mothers.
For forty weeks of gestation,
my mother swallowed daily doses of tears
alongside her morning coffee,
wanting to run back home every second of the day.
They say that a woman’s ovum develop while in the womb of their mothers.
It was I who was angry in the 1920’s.
It was I who was angry in the 1950’s.
It was I who was angry in the 1970’s.
And it was I who was still angry in the 1990’s
while giving birth to a beautiful baby boy,
the one who came to finally put an end to this generational curse.
originally published in West of the Santa Ana and Other Sacred Places (Riot of Roses Publishing, 2023)
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